Gas Spring HS Code

Gas Spring HS Code

LP gas spring
JP gas spring

Harmonized System (HS) code for gas springs is generally the same across different countries.

The HS code for gas springs is 7320.90, which falls under the broader category of springs and leaves for springs, made of iron or steel.

The WCO (World Customs Organization) developed The Harmonized Commodity Description and Coding System, the HS code system is a standardized system of classification for traded products. HS codes usually contain ten digits but can be seven to twelve digits long. The first six digits are global and based on the Harmonized System. The last one through six digits is determined by the country into which the product is being imported, based on their system.

WCO logo

For more information please refer to this article: Five Things To Know About HS Codes.

Search HS code for US, go to: U.S. Census Bureau

Search HS code for EU, go to: HS Code European Database

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Linsheng Zhao

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